Organic Waste to Compost Machine

Organic waste is a significant problem in today’s society, as it not only clogs up landfills. But it also releases harmful methane gases into the atmosphere. To tackle this issue, we introduce the Organic Waste to Compost Machine. It is a revolutionary solution for sustainable waste management.

Short Description:

The Organic Waste to Compost Machine is an innovative solution. It turns organic waste into rich, fertile compost in 24 hours. This compact and efficient Machine makes composting effortless and accessible. It provides households and communities with a way to dispose of their organic waste.

Features of Organic Waste Converter Machine:

  • Compact design:
    The design of the Machine is to fit in any kitchen or small space.
  • Easy to use:
    Add organic waste, add the required water, and set the Machine to start composting.
  • Quick composting process:
    The Machine converts organic waste into compost in 24 hours.
  • No odor:
    The carbon filter of the Machine eliminates unpleasant odors during the composting process.
  • High-quality compost:
    The end product is rich, fertile compost used for gardening and landscaping.

Benefits of Organic Waste Converter Machine:

  • Sustainable waste management:
    The Machine helps to reduce waste and its impact on the environment. It converts organic waste into compost.
  • Accessible composting:
    The Machine makes composting accessible and effortless. It allows households and communities to compost their waste.
  • No more unpleasant odors:
    The Machine eliminates any unpleasant odors during the composting process. This makes it suitable for indoor use.
  • High-quality compost:
    The end product is rich, fertile compost used for gardening and landscaping.
  • Cost-effective:
    The Machine provides a cost-effective solution for composting. Thus it reduces the need for expensive waste management services.

Technical Specification of Organic Waste Converter Machine:

  • Capacity:
    The equipment may process up to 500 kg per day of organic waste.
  • Power:
    The machine needs a 380-volt, three-phase, 50-hertz electrical source to function. The machine has a 10 kW power draw.
  • Size:
    The machine’s dimensions are 3000mm (length) by 2000mm (width) by 1700mm (height), making it relatively small (H).
  • Weight:
    About 2500 kg is how much this machine weighs.
  • Components:
  • These parts make up the machine:

Compostable materials are fed into a hopper and then shredded and chopped into smaller pieces by a shredder.
Waste is mixed and warmed in a composting drum.
Powerful ventilation using a blower
A panel for manipulating the machine’s functions

High-quality stainless steel and other corrosion-resistant materials are used in the construction of this machine.

Temperature Control:
The composting drum has an integrated heating and cooling system that keeps the inside at a constant 55°C to 60°C to provide ideal composting conditions.

These parts make up the machine:

  • Compostable materials are fed into a hopper and then shredded and chopped into smaller pieces by a shredder.
  • Waste is mixed and warmed in a composting drum.
  • Powerful ventilation using a blower
  • A panel for manipulating the machine’s functions

High-quality stainless steel and other corrosion-resistant materials are used in the construction of this machine.

Temperature Control:
The composting drum has an integrated heating and cooling system that keeps the inside at a constant 55°C to 60°C to provide ideal composting conditions.

The Machine got designed to be easy to use and requires no special skills or knowledge. Add organic waste, such as vegetable and fruit scraps, leaves, and yard waste, to the Machine. The Machine then adds the required water to start the composting process.

The Machine uses advanced technology to break down organic waste into compost. The composting process got sealed, ensuring no odors or flies. And the Machine is self-contained, eliminating the need for manual intervention.

The end product is high-quality compost that helps in gardening and landscaping. The compost can enrich the soil, keep moisture, and promote plant growth. It reduces the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Why Choose the Organic Waste to Compost Machine:

The Machine provides a revolutionary solution for sustainable waste management. This makes composting accessible and effortless. By turning organic waste into compost, the Machine helps to reduce waste. It impacts the environment, providing users with a way to dispose of their waste. The Machine is compact and easy to use. It eliminates unpleasant odors, making it suitable for indoor use. The high-quality compost machine can get used for gardening and landscaping. This reduces the need for expensive waste management services, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides. The Machine is a cost-effective solution for sustainable waste management. The Machine provides users with a simple and accessible way to compost their waste. It has a compact design, easy-to-use functionality, and a quick composting process,